Havij adalah SQL Injection otomatis alat yang membantu penguji penetrasi untuk mencari dan mengeksploitasi kelemahan SQL Injection pada halaman web.
Fungsi Softwere Havij :
dump tabel dan kolom, mengambil data dari database, hash password, menjalankan pernyataan SQL dan bahkan mengakses sistem file yang mendasari dan mengeksekusi perintah pada sistem operasi. keuntungan dari softwer ini mudah digunakan untuk semua pengguna bahkan amatir. (Klik Here to Download Havij - Download Tutorial Instalasi dan Password)

Python adalah bahasa pemrograman yang diciptakan oleh Guido van Rossum dan popular sebagai bahasa skripting dan pemrograman Web. Merujuk pengertian dari wikipedia, Python adalah bahasa pemrograman interpretatif multiguna dengan filosofi perancangan yang berfokus pada tingkat keterbacaan kode. Python diklaim sebagai bahasa yang menggabungkan kapabilitas, kemampuan, dengan sintaksis kode yang sangat jelas, dan dilengkapi dengan fungsionalitas pustaka standar yang besar serta komprehensif. Read More ... !
Downoad Python 2.7 dan Script Hulk and Facebook Ha***ing

wwwhack19.zipWWWhack is a brute force utility that will try to crack web sites guarded by an web access password. This utility can use a word file or try all possible combinations, and by trial-and-error, will attempt to find a combination of username/password that is accepted by the web server.
This shows the weakness in securing sensitive areas of your web site by the web authentication method alone.
To use wwwhack 1.9 you need to set your system clock to the year 2000 or before as it expires in ‘2001’.
Once again this is an oldskool tool but a lot of people are still seeking it, for learning purposes I presume as there are better alternatives now like thc-hydra.
You can download wwwhack 1.9 here.

THC-HydraTHC-Hydra rocks, it’s pretty much the most up to date and currently developed password brute forcing tool around at the moment. It supports a LOT of services and protocols too. Number one of the biggest security holes are passwords, as every password security study shows. Hydra is a parallelized login cracker which supports numerous protocols to attack. New modules are easy to add, beside that, it is flexible and very fast.

There are already several login hacker tools available, Read More ... !

You can download Hydra here: hydra-5.4-src.tar.gz Compile and install (./configure; make; make install)
IF you want the windows version you can grab this Cygwin version:
More info is available here:
THC-Hydra Homepage
TOOLS HACKING WEBSITE TOOLS HACKING WEBSITE Reviewed by Khalifah on December 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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